Beating the Competition: A Comprehensive Guide to Competitor Analysis for UX Design

Competitor analysis for UX design

What is competitor analysis in the UX design process?

Competitor analysis in UX design is the process of evaluating the user experience and design strategies of your competitors in order to gain insights that can be used to improve your own products or services. This process involves researching and analyzing the design strategies and user experiences of competitors to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market. The competitor analysis process in UX design typically involves the following steps:

Define your competitors: Identify your direct and indirect competitors in the market

Research your competitors: Gather information about your competitors’ design strategies, user experiences, features, and marketing tactics.

Evaluate your competitors: Analyze your competitors’ design strategies and user experiences to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market.

Identify areas for improvement: Based on your analysis, identify areas where your product or service can be improved to better meet the needs and preferences of your target users.

Develop a plan: Create a plan for how you will address the areas for improvement identified in the analysis.

Test and iterate: Implement the changes and test them with users to see how they respond. Use the feedback to iterate and refine the changes.

Competitor analysis for UX design: Why is it needed?

Competitor analysis is an important step in UX design, as it allows designers to gain valuable insights into what their competitors are doing well and what areas they could improve upon. Here are some reasons why competitor analysis is needed in UX design:

Identify industry best practices: By analyzing what your competitors are doing, you can gain a better understanding of what works well in your industry. This can help you identify best practices and incorporate them into your own designs.

Understand user expectations: By analyzing your competitors’ designs, you can gain insights into what users expect from similar products or services. This can help you tailor your designs to better meet user expectations and preferences.

Identify gaps in the market: By analyzing your competitors, you can identify gaps in the market where there may be opportunities for new products or services.

Improve your own designs: By understanding what your competitors are doing well and what they could improve upon, you can improve your own designs and make them more competitive in the market.

Stay ahead of the competition: By constantly analyzing your competitors, you can stay ahead of the competition by identifying new trends and emerging technologies that can be incorporated into your designs.

Overall, competitor analysis is a crucial step in UX design as it helps designers create products that are not only visually appealing but also meet user needs and expectations.

Most-commonly used frameworks & methodologies for Competitor Analysis for UX Design

Templates & Frameworks

SWOT Analysis Template: SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is a widely used framework for competitor analysis. This template provides a structured way to identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, as well as the opportunities and threats in the market.

UX Audit Template: This template provides a comprehensive way to evaluate your competitors’ UX design, including their user interface, user experience, and content. It provides a detailed breakdown of the key elements of a good UX design and allows you to identify areas where your competitors are doing well and where they could improve.

Feature Comparison Template: This template allows you to compare the features of your competitors’ products or services against your own. You can evaluate the features based on their usability, functionality, and overall design, and use this information to identify areas where your product is stronger or weaker than your competitors.

User Persona Template: User personas are fictional characters that represent your target audience. This template allows you to create user personas for your competitors’ products or services, which can help you gain insights into their user base and identify areas where your competitors are meeting user needs or falling short.

Customer Journey Map Template: Customer journey maps provide a visual representation of the user’s experience with a product or service. This template allows you to create customer journey maps for your competitors’ products or services, which can help you identify pain points and opportunities for improvement in their UX design.


Heuristic Evaluation: This involves reviewing your competitor’s product or service against a set of established usability principles or heuristics. The goal is to identify areas of strength and weakness in their UX design.

Expert Review: This involves having experts in UX design or related fields review your competitors’ products and services. The reviewers will provide feedback on the usability, functionality, and overall design of the product.

User Testing: This involves conducting usability testing with users on your competitors’ products and services. The goal is to gain insights into how users interact with the product and identify areas for improvement.

Surveys: This involves gathering feedback from users on your competitors’ products and services through online surveys. The survey questions can be tailored to gather specific insights into user needs and preferences.

Data Analysis: This involves analyzing data from your competitor’s websites, social media, and other online channels to gain insights into their user base, engagement levels, and user behavior.

Comparative Analysis: This involves comparing your competitors’ products and services against your own. The goal is to identify areas where your product or service is stronger or weaker than your competitors, and use this information to inform future design decisions.

By constantly analyzing your competitors, you can stay ahead of the competition by identifying new trends and emerging technologies that can be incorporated into your designs.

Competitor Analysis in UX Design: Best Practices

Here are some best practices and hacks to help you conduct an effective and efficient competitor analysis in UX design:

Focus on the user: When conducting competitor analysis, it’s important to keep the user in mind. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the user and evaluate the product or service from their perspective. This can help you identify areas where your competitors are meeting user needs or falling short.

Look beyond the obvious: Don’t just focus on your direct competitors. Look at related industries or products that may have similar user needs and design elements. This can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own designs.

Use multiple sources: Don’t rely on just one source for your competitor analysis. Use a combination of expert reviews, user testing, surveys, data analysis, and other sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of your competitors’ UX design.

Focus on the details: Pay attention to the small details of your competitors’ designs, such as button placement, color schemes, and typography. These can have a big impact on the overall user experience.

Collaborate with your team: Get input from your team members with different areas of expertise, such as developers, designers, and product managers. This can provide different perspectives and help you identify areas for improvement.

Use tools and software: There are many tools and software available that can help you streamline your competitor analysis, such as online surveys, user testing platforms, and data analytics tools.

Prioritize your findings: Once you have completed your analysis, prioritize your findings based on their importance and potential impact. This can help you focus on the most critical areas for improvement in your own UX design.

Overall, by following these best practices and hacks, you can conduct a thorough and effective competitor analysis in UX design, and use the insights gained to improve your own products and services.

Best tools for conducting competitor analysis for UX design

Here are some of the best tools and software for conducting competitor analysis in UX design:

UserTesting: UserTesting is a user research platform that allows you to conduct user testing on your competitors’ products or services. It provides video and audio recordings of user sessions, as well as detailed reports and analyses.

Hotjar: Hotjar is a web analytics and feedback tool that provides insights into how users interact with your competitors’ websites. It includes features such as heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys.

Optimal Workshop: Optimal Workshop is a suite of tools for UX research and design, including card sorting, tree testing, and usability testing. It allows you to test your competitors’ designs and identify areas for improvement.

SEMrush: SEMrush is a digital marketing tool that provides insights into your competitors’ online marketing strategies, including their SEO and advertising campaigns. It can help you understand your competitors’ user acquisition and engagement strategies.

SimilarWeb: SimilarWeb is a market intelligence tool that provides insights into your competitors’ online traffic, engagement, and user behavior. It can help you understand your competitors’ audience demographics and user engagement levels.

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that can be used to analyze your competitors’ website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. It can help you identify areas where your competitors are succeeding and areas where they could improve.

Overall, these tools and software can provide valuable insights into your competitors’ UX design and user engagement strategies, and help you identify areas for improvement in your own products and services.

Common mistakes designers commit in competitor analysis for UX design (& how to overcome them?)

Here are some common mistakes that designers may commit when conducting competitor analysis in UX design, and how to overcome them:

Focusing too much on visual design: It’s easy to get caught up in the visual aspects of a competitor’s design and overlook other important elements, such as user experience and functionality. To overcome this, try to evaluate the design from the user’s perspective and consider how easy it is to navigate and use.

Not considering the user: Competitor analysis is not just about evaluating your competitors’ design; it’s also about understanding their user base and identifying their needs and pain points. To avoid this mistake, try to put yourself in the shoes of the user and evaluate the design from their perspective.

Ignoring indirect competitors: It’s important to not only analyze direct competitors but also related industries or products that may have similar user needs and design elements. To overcome this, widen your scope and consider related products or services that may provide valuable insights.

Focusing on features rather than user needs: It’s easy to get caught up in the features and functionality of a competitor’s design and overlook whether they are meeting user needs. To avoid this mistake, focus on the user and evaluate how well the design meets their needs, rather than just the features.

Not prioritizing findings: After conducting a competitor analysis, it’s important to prioritize the findings based on their importance and potential impact. To avoid this mistake, create a prioritization framework and evaluate each finding based on its importance and potential impact.

Overall, by avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on the user, you can conduct a thorough and effective competitor analysis in UX design, and use the insights gained to improve your own products and services.

Competitor Analysis: What should be the primary goals of this process?

The main goals of conducting competitor analysis for UX design are to gain insights into your competitors’ design strategies and user experiences, identify areas of opportunity for improvement in your own products or services, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Here are some specific goals you may have in mind when conducting competitor analysis in UX design:

Identify gaps and opportunities: Identify gaps in the market or opportunities for improvement in your own product or service based on your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

Improve user experience: Evaluate your competitors’ user experience and identify ways to improve your own user experience based on best practices and industry standards.

Stay ahead of the competition: Gain insights into your competitors’ strategies and stay ahead of the competition by implementing innovative design solutions.

Differentiate your product: Identify ways to differentiate your product from the competition and create a unique value proposition for your users.

The time it takes to conduct competitor analysis for UX design can vary depending on the scope of the analysis, the number of competitors being analyzed, and the resources available. Generally, this process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks or longer.

Done & Dusted with Competitor Analysis. What’s next?

After conducting a competitor analysis for UX design, the next step is to use the insights gained to improve your own products or services. Here are some steps you can take:

Identify areas for improvement: Based on your competitor analysis, identify areas where your product or service can be improved. This could include features, user experience, design, or marketing.

Develop a plan: Create a plan for how you will address the areas for improvement identified in the analysis. This could involve updating your product roadmap, prioritizing certain features, or redesigning parts of your product.

Test and iterate: Implement the changes and test them with users to see how they respond. Use the feedback to iterate and refine the changes.

Monitor the competition: Keep an eye on your competitors and continue to evaluate their design strategies and user experiences. Use this information to stay ahead of the competition and continue to improve your own product or service.

Continuously iterate: UX design is an iterative process, so it’s important to continuously evaluate and iterate on your design to meet the changing needs and preferences of your users.

Overall, the goal of competitor analysis in UX design is to gain insights that can be used to improve your own product or service and gain a competitive advantage in the market. The next step is to use those insights to drive improvements and continuously iterate to stay ahead of the competition.

Competitor analysis for UX design: Important things to remember

When conducting a competitor analysis for UX design, here are some important things to keep in mind:

Focus on user experience: The goal of UX design is to create a positive user experience. When conducting competitor analysis, focus on how your competitors are designing their products or services to improve the user experience.

Identify areas for improvement: The purpose of competitor analysis is to identify areas where you can improve your own products or services. Focus on areas where your competitors are strong and where you can differentiate yourself in the market.

Consider the entire customer journey: Look beyond just the user interface and consider the entire customer journey, from initial discovery to post-purchase support. Evaluate how your competitors are addressing each step of the journey.

Use a variety of research methods: To get a complete picture of your competitors, use a variety of research methods, such as user testing, surveys, interviews, and data analysis.

Don’t copy your competitors: While it’s important to learn from your competitors, don’t simply copy their design strategies or user experiences. Instead, use the insights gained from the analysis to create a unique and differentiated product or service.

Continuously monitor the competition: Competitor analysis is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor the competition and evaluate how they are evolving their design strategies and user experiences.